Interaction model.
The interaction model is responsible for defining the allowed transitions between dialogue acts based on their intents and updating the agenda.
Initializes the interaction model. |
Module Contents¶
- interaction_model.logger¶
- class interaction_model.InteractionModel(config_file: str, domain: usersimcrs.core.simulation_domain.SimulationDomain, annotated_conversations: List[dialoguekit.core.dialogue.Dialogue])¶
Initializes the interaction model.
- Parameters:
config_file – Path to configuration file.
domain – Simulation domain.
annotated_conversations – Annotated conversations.
- initialize_transition_matrices(annotated_conversations: List[dialoguekit.core.dialogue.Dialogue]) Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] ¶
Initializes transition matrices from annotated conversations.
We consider two transition matrices. The first one uses single intents as states, while the second one uses compound intents. For example: Dialogue acts in utt. 1: [GREETING(), REQUEST(genre=?, year=?)] Dialogue acts in utt. 2: [INFORM(genre=action, year=2024)]
The single intent transition matrix will be: GREETING -> INFORM : 1 REQUEST -> INFORM : 1 The compound intent transition matrix will be: GREETING_REQUEST -> INFORM : 1
Note that the compound intent may also include single intents, in case an utterance has a single dialogue act.
- Parameters:
annotated_conversations – Annotated conversations.
- Returns:
Transition matrices.
- initialize_agenda(information_need: usersimcrs.core.information_need.InformationNeed)¶
Initializes user agenda.
- Parameters:
information_need – Information need.
- is_agent_intent_elicit(agent_intent: dialoguekit.core.intent.Intent) bool ¶
Checks if the given agent intent is elicitation.
- Parameters:
agent_intent – Agent’s intent.
- Returns:
True if it is an elicitation intent.
- is_agent_intent_set_retrieval(agent_intent: dialoguekit.core.intent.Intent) bool ¶
Checks if the given agent intent is set retrieval.
- Parameters:
agent_intent – Agent’s intent.
- Returns:
True if it is a set retrieval intent.
- is_agent_intent_inquire(agent_intent: dialoguekit.core.intent.Intent) bool ¶
Checks if the given agent intent is inquiry.
- Parameters:
agent_intent – Agent’s intent.
- Returns:
True if it is an inquiry intent.
- get_next_dialogue_acts(n: int = 1) List[dialoguekit.core.dialogue_act.DialogueAct] ¶
Returns the next n dialogue acts from the stack.
- Parameters:
n – Number of dialogue acts to return. Defaults to 1.
- Returns:
List of dialogue acts.
- update_agenda(information_need: usersimcrs.core.information_need.InformationNeed, preference_model: usersimcrs.user_modeling.preference_model.PreferenceModel, item_collection: usersimcrs.items.item_collection.ItemCollection) None ¶
Updates the agenda based on the last agent dialogue acts and state.
Each agent dialogue act results in a push operation on the stack. We consider four cases: the agent elicits, recommends, inquires, or neither. Once the push operations are done, we clean the stack.
- Parameters:
information_need – Information need.