
User preference modeling component based on a PKG.

A personal knowledge graph (PKG), in this particular application context, is a knowledge graph that is used to store the preferences of a single individual to support the delivery of services that are customized to that individual.

The implementation of get_item_preference() and get_slot_value_preference() depends on the release of the PKG API. See:



Initializes the preference model of a simulated user based on a PKG.

Module Contents

class pkg_preference_model.PKGPreferenceModel(domain: usersimcrs.core.simulation_domain.SimulationDomain, item_collection: usersimcrs.items.item_collection.ItemCollection, historical_ratings: usersimcrs.items.ratings.Ratings, historical_user_id: str = None)

Bases: usersimcrs.user_modeling.preference_model.PreferenceModel

Initializes the preference model of a simulated user based on a PKG.

  • domain – Domain.

  • item_collection – Item collection.

  • historical_ratings – Historical ratings.

  • historical_user_id (Optional) – If provided, the simulated user is based on this particular historical user; otherwise, it is based on a randomly sampled user. This is mostly added to make the class testable.

get_item_preference(item_id: str) float

Returns a preference for a given item.


item_id – Item ID.


Item preference, which is in [-1,1].


ValueError – If the item does not exist in the collection.

get_slot_value_preference(slot: str, value: str) float

Returns a preference on a given slot-value pair.

  • slot – Slot name (needs to exist in the domain).

  • value – Slot value.


Slot-value preference, which is in [-1,1].