
Define the prompt for the simulator.

The structure of the prompt is inspired by the work of Terragni et al. It includes the task description, the information need, and optionally a persona and an example of a conversation. Unlike the original work, we consider a zero- shot setting, i.e., the prompt does not include any examples of conversations.

Reference: Terragni, S., et al. (2023). “In-Context Learning User Simulators for Task-Oriented Dialog Systems”, arXiv 2306.00774.





Initializes the prompt.

Module Contents

utterance_generation_prompt.DEFAULT_TASK_DEFINITION = "You are a USER discussing with an ASSISTANT. Given the conversation history, you need to...
class utterance_generation_prompt.UtteranceGenerationPrompt(information_need: usersimcrs.core.information_need.InformationNeed, item_type: str, prompt_definition: str = DEFAULT_TASK_DEFINITION, persona: usersimcrs.user_modeling.persona.Persona = None)

Bases: usersimcrs.simulator.llm.prompt.prompt.Prompt

Initializes the prompt.

  • information_need – The information need of the user.

  • item_type – The type of the item to be recommended.

  • prompt_definition – The definition of the task to be performed. Defaults to DEFAULT_TASK_DEFINITION.

  • persona – The persona of the user. Defaults to None.

build_new_prompt() str

Builds the initial prompt without any context.


Initial prompt with task definition, requirements, and persona.

update_prompt_context(utterance: dialoguekit.core.utterance.Utterance, participant: dialoguekit.participant.participant.DialogueParticipant) None

Updates the context provided in the prompt.

  • utterance – Utterance to be added to the prompt.

  • participant – Participant of the conversation.