
User simulator leveraging a large language model to generate responses.

The generation of responses is based on two prompts. The first one establishes if the conversation should continue or not. The second one is used to generate the user response.



Initializes the user simulator.

Module Contents

class usersimcrs.simulator.llm.dual_prompt_user_simulator.DualPromptUserSimulator(id: str, domain: usersimcrs.core.simulation_domain.SimulationDomain, item_collection: usersimcrs.items.item_collection.ItemCollection, llm_interface: usersimcrs.simulator.llm.interfaces.llm_interface.LLMInterface, item_type: str, task_definition: str = DEFAULT_TASK_DEFINITION, stop_definition: str = DEFAULT_STOP_DEFINITION, persona: usersimcrs.user_modeling.persona.Persona = None)

Bases: usersimcrs.simulator.user_simulator.UserSimulator

Initializes the user simulator.

  • id – User simulator ID.

  • llm_interface – Interface to the large language model.

  • item_type – Type of the item to be recommended. Defaults to None.

  • task_definition – Definition of the task to be performed. Defaults to DEFAULT_TASK_DEFINITION.

  • stop_definition – Definition of the stop task. Defaults to DEFAULT_STOP_DEFINITION.

  • persona – Persona of the user. Defaults to None.